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Environmental quality monitoring services

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Environmental quality measurement services

Thai Environmental Technics Co., Ltd. provides services for measuring environmental quality and general noise levels, air quality from pollution sources, air quality in workplaces, water quality, soil and sediment quality. We are equipped with modern and standard tools/equipment and operate according to sample collection, sample preservation and analysis methods in accordance with quality assurance and quality control systems, referring to international standard methods or as specified by Thai government agencies.

Ambient Air Quality

Air quality from stacks (Stack Air Emission)

Noise and Vibration

Environmental quality, occupational health and safety within the workplace (Occupational Health and Safety)

Water Quality

Soil and Sludge Quality

Inspection service/preparation of reports on the results of compliance with measures to prevent, correct and reduce environmental impacts and measures to monitor and inspect environmental quality, including other related environmental reports.

Providing services to inspect compliance with environmental measures, including measures to prevent, correct and reduce environmental impacts, and measures to monitor and inspect environmental quality, according to the conditions specified in the project's Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report that has been approved by the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), both in the construction and operation phases, with the following service scope:

  • Survey and inspection of compliance with measures to prevent, correct and reduce environmental impacts from project operations.
  • Monitoring of environmental quality as specified in the EIA report.
  • Preparation of a report on the results of implementing measures to prevent, correct and reduce environmental impacts and measures to monitor and inspect quality. Environment for presentation to the ONEP and relevant government agencies.
  • Preparation of Environmental Compliance Audit ReportĀ 
  • Preparation of EIA Award Report
  • Providing advice, explanation, clarification and recommendations in meetings of entrepreneurs with ONEP officials and government agencies.



To provide efficient service to customers, the company has prepared personnel with knowledge, ability and experience, consisting of experts, environmental scientists, chemical scientists, biological scientists, oceanographers, technicians who have been trained in both theory and practice in sample collection, and marketing and customer relations officers to facilitate customers quickly.

Field Department

Environmental Monitoring Division

Marketing and Customer Relations

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